Cult VHS
Friday, 29 October 2010
Noel Marshall´s adventure/ thriller from 1981. Country USA. Dutch release on Replay Video.
De ogen van het kwaad a.k.a. The Godsend
UK horror film by Gabrielle Beaumont. Year of release 1980. Belgian release on Video King.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Three on a meathook
USA horror flick by William Girdler. 1972. English- Dutch release on Midnite Movies.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Gory horror flick from the USA directed by Matt Devlen. English/ Dutch release on Midnite movies. Year of release 1986.
Aka ´Street zombies´. Directed by J.R. Bookwalter. Country of origin USA. Year of production 1993. Dutch release on Trendy Video.
Shatter dead
Gory zombie flick from the USA directed by Scooter McCrae. year of production 1994. German release on Manic Entertainment.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Ring of death
Italian crime story by director Romolo Guerrieri. Year of production 1969. Dutch release on Pandora Video.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Horror comedy by Michael Armstrong. Country of origin UK. 1983. Dutch release on Video Entertainment.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Het eiland van Dr. Moreau
A.k.a. 'The island of dr. Moreau'. Directed by Don Taylor. USA. 1977. Dutch release on Regie Cassette Video.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Eleven days eleven nights
Joe D´Amato´s answer to ´Nine weeks and a half´. Year of production 1986. Italy. Dutch release on Euroscreen.
Mozart is a murderer
1999 giallo by Sergio Martino. Filmed in Italy. Dutch release on DFW.
Die sister die!
Horror movie directed by Randall Hood. Year of production 1972. USA. Dutch release on Video49.
Happy birthday to me
Great slasher from J. Lee Thompson. Canada. 1981. Dutch release on RCA Columbia Pictures.
Theatrical trailer:
TV commercial:
Monday, 18 October 2010
The devil within her
A.k.a. 'Beyond the door'. Not to be confused with the Peter Sasdy one. Directed by Ovidio G. Assonitis and Robert Barrett. Country of origin Italy/ USA. Scan is of the UK pre-cert on Arcade Video. Year of production is 1974.
TV spot:
Friday, 15 October 2010
Demon Seed
Horror movie directed by Donald Cammell. 1977. USA.
First sleeve is the Dutch release on MGM/UA- Esselte. Second sleeve is the Belgium release on Regie Cassette Video.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Blue Angel Cafe
Sleazy movie by the master Joe D´Amato. 1989. Italy.
First sleeve is the Dutch release on UFO. Second sleeve is the Finnish release on Showtime.
Thriller directed by Gonzalo Heralde. 1981. Spain/ USA. Pre-cert on Home Video Productions.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Devil in miss Jones
Again sorry for the scan. Same Videorama sleeve so too big to fit the scanner.
XXX by Gerard Damiano. USA. 1973. Dutch release on Videorama.
Deep throat
The (in)famous XXX movie by Gerard Damiano. 1972. USA. Dutch release on Videorama.
My apologies for the scan but the sleeve was too large to fit the scanner.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Three immoral women
A.k.a. 'Heroines of evil'. Directed by Walerian Borowczyk. France. 1979. Pre- cert on Walton Video.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Banana Joe
Comedy with Bud Spencer. Directed by Steno. Italy. 1982. Dutch release on Rainbow Video.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Twins of evil
Vampire movie from Hammer Productions. Directed by John Hough. 1971. UK.
Sleeve 1 is UK release on Rank Video Library.
Second sleeve is a Dutch release on Videogarant.
The fifth cord
Luigi Bazzoni's giallo/ thriller with Franco Nero and Agostina Belli. Italy. 1971. Greek release on VCI.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Murder by design
Aka 'The designated victim' . Directed by Maurizio Lucidi. Italy. 1971. Dutch release on Eagle6.
The big racket
Enzo G. Castellari's crime/ police story. Italy. 1976. Danish release on Polygram Video.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Dirty Fingers
Crime movie from Sweden. Directed by Arne Mattsson. 1973. Dutch release on CVD.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Combat Shock
Buddy Giovinazzo's insane film. USA. 1986. Dutch uncut release on Video Entertainment.
Provincia Violenta
Two German sleeves for this sleazy Italian crime movie. Directed by Mario Bianchi. 1978. Italy.
'Provinz ohne gesetz' on the German Exquisit Video label.
'Kommando "Siku" ' on the German Sunrise Video label.
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